Wikia Mobile Legends
Wikia Mobile Legends

Angela is a support hero which deals low-medium damage.

Costs 24,000 Battle Points or 499 Diamonds at the shop.

Her 1st power “Love Waves” inflicts damage on the enemy and heals herself and any ally next to the power's range.

Her second power, “Puppet-in-a-String” slows down the enemy, afterwards, immobilizes the enemy for a very short period of time, inflicting damage.

Her ultimate “Heartguard” gives her the power to teleport to any ally. It is advised to teleport to allies in need of help when possible with her Ultimate.

“Love Waves” costs 60 Mana

“Puppet-in-a-String” costs 90 Mana.

“Heartguard” costs 100 Mana.
