Mobile Legends: Bang Bang Wiki
Mobile Legends: Bang Bang Wiki
Latest Hero in the Original Server
Heavenly Fist

Paquito | The Heavenly Fist
32,000 Battle Points 32000 | 599 Diamonds 599

Latest Hero in the Advanced Server
Dawnbreak Soldier

Beatrix | Dawnbreak Soldier

Latest Reborn Hero in the Original Server
West Justice

Clint | West Justice
15,00 Battle Points 1500 | 399 tickets 399

Hero is a legendary being or person who has been summoned to wage battle in Mobile Legends. They are the player-controlled characters in ML logo. As of January 15, 2021 | Patch 1.5.46, there are currently 102 heroes in the original server, with the latest being Paquito Paquito | The Heavenly Fist.

The other 5 latest heroes are:

Upcoming Heroes: These are the heroes which are not available in the Original Server. The newest heroes to the bottom will arrive later in the Advanced Server. Including the upcoming ones (the ones who are still present in the survey period before entering in the Advanced Server), there are a total of 104 heroes:

Revamped Heroes: Heroes will deserve a revamp when they are less viable, older, or highly overrated. The newly revamped heroes will be acknowledged via surveys. Most revamped heroes are reworked from their abilities like a minor revamp, whilst others will sometimes be given a new model and voice lines. These are the latest revamped heroes in the Advanced Server.

The latest revamped heroes in Patch 1.5.32 in the Original Server:

You can play the Weekly Free Heroes available within the game's rotation. Major Events will also let everyone access to all heroes for free.

Weekly Free Heroes are the free heroes that can be played weekly, but not permanently and can't be used in Ranked Game unless you already own the hero.

Starlight Free Heroes are free heroes that can be played weekly and are one of the rewards, of the Starlight Privileges which can be obtained only if you are a Starlight Member or have received a Starlight Trial Membership. In addition, you can play those heroes in Ranked Game mode, as well.

You also have the option of buying new heroes with Battle Points (BP) Battle Points Battle Points (BP), Hero Fragments HF Hero Fragments , Tickets tickets Tickets, or Diamonds Diamonds Diamonds. The minimal package for Battle Points starts at 2000 Battle Points 2000, with the maximizing at 32,000 Battle Points 32000, Hero Fragments start at 80 HF 80 maxing at upto 120 HF 120 . Tickets start at around 299 tickets 299, maxing at 749 tickets 749, while Diamond packages start at 250 Diamonds 250 and max at almost 599 Diamonds 599.

However, Hero skins can only be also bought via Diamonds. Lucky Spin is another option, as it can also reward you with Heroes or their Skins and the ultimate reward resets every week, accessible by going to Shop in the main menu and tapping Lucky Spin in the Draw Section. There is also another way to buy Heroes and Skins, by going to the Fragment Shop you need Premium Skin Fragment Premium , Rare Skin Fragment Rare , and Hero HF Hero Fragments which are a bit difficult to obtain. The game rewards you with some early Battle Points in order to buy your first few heroes and not to be stuck with the same heroes to play. The New Arrival Shop can also reward you with Heroes or Skins similar to the Lucky Spin by spending 10 10 for 1x, and 90 90 for 10x. However, the rewards for Heroes are ranging from Hero Fragments, Trial Cards, to Permanent Hero. In addition to this, Mobile Legends regularly provides its users with numerous fun events and quests, which can be used to earn tons of different Heroes and Skins.

Recharging for the first time will get one of the heroes: Freya Freya, Chang'e Chang'e, and Moskov Moskov. Spending Starlight Coin 3 in Starlight Shop and you will receive Starlight Random Hero Bundle which contains one of the heroes: Yi Sun-shin Yi Sun-shin, Hylos Hylos, Alpha Alpha, Natalia Natalia, Faramis Faramis, and Kagura Kagura. Inside the Esports Menu, Chou Chou is purchasable by 88,000 GC (Guess Coins) through Guess Coins Reward Exchange.

Note: Freya Freya and Odette Odette are the only heroes who can't be bought with Battle Points Battle Points Battle Points. Freya can only be bought by recharging a certain amount of diamonds (or with 599 Diamonds 599 if players have not chosen Freya after their first top-up). Odette can also only be obtained in a special event, like the jigsaw event for the newbies or can be bought in the Fragment (Limited) or Lucky Shop using 20 lucky gems 20.

Every hero falls under a category based on their Primary stats and Playstyle, there are:

List of Heroes


Main Article: List of Heroes
The list shows all heroes as they are available in both servers, along with their assigned roles, specialties, laning recommendations, release years, and purchase costs, arranged in the alphabetical order of their names. Heroes who haven't yet received a purchase price or laning recommendations are those, who are still not available in the Original Server.

Cancelled Heroes

Unnamed Hero 11

Unnamed Hero who may possibly look similar to Yasson race.

Main Article: Cancelled Heroes
Canceled heroes are heroes who have not been released in the Advanced Server for a long time and then canceled for unknown reasons.


Main Article: Hero Roles

There are a certain number of roles and specialties within the game, but there is a distinct difference between both "Roles" and "Specialties". In order to have a well functioning team throughout a game, it is important for players to know their particular role and their specialties within the heroes they use, as well as the differences between the two.

A role or class is a category that your character will play throughout the game. A total of 101 heroes are currently available at the moment in both original and advance server, and they all fall under one among the 6 classes – Tank Icon Tank, Fighter Icon Fighter, Assassin Icon Assassin, Mage Icon Mage, Marksman Icon Marksman , and Support Icon Support. Each of these classes have their unique stats and abilities, and some of them are stronger than others, whilst the same is weaken to certain other roles.Note: Some heroes like Esmeralda, Kimmy and Selena are called hybrid heroes or heroes that are classified from two different classes but it doesn't mean they are stronger than single classed heroes.

Tank Icon
heroes are the most durable among all in mobile legends. These front-line giants help in attacking enemies. They're usually found leading the charge, choosing the right times and situations to initiate aggression. Many tanks can also protect their more fragile teammates by stunning or pushing around dangerous foes and limiting their damage potential. In mobile legends, most classes of heroes are really versatile in terms of abilities and with the item crafting variations a "tank" can be played as a DPS if you choose the right equipment. Usually, tanks are laning on the bottom tower. Tank has high defense and hit point, but low damage. When used properly, a tank could be the strongest hero in the game.
Fighter Icon
Fighters are close range combatants that possess a mix of offensive and defensive capabilities. While they don't have as much utility as a tank or as much damage as an assassin, a fighter's damage will add up over time to make it a major threat. Each fighter has a unique blend of mobility, damage, disruption and durability. Fighter is an intermediate melee heroes, between Tank durability or Assassin damage, hence make fighter serve as multi purpose combatant, such as Semi Tank, Crowd Controller, or Tank and Assassin.
Assassin Icon
An assassin is an agile hero that specializes in killing or disabling roaming targets picking them of as they try to replenish HP. Focused on infiltration, deception, and mobility, assassins are opportunistic hunters who find favorable moments within a fight before jumping into the fray. Regardless of the size of the enemy team, assassins specializes in positioning and artful killing. They strike when the time is right – no sooner, no later. Assassins are more suitable to be played by experienced players as they have low HP and high burst damage. They are ideal for taking out opponents easily, but are easier to be killed due to bad positioning and wrong timing.
Marksman Icon

Marksman are ranged heroes whose power is almost entirely based on their basic attacks: by using their reach to land massive continuous damage from a distance, marksmans are capable of taking down even the most difficult opponents when positioned behind the safety of their team, and perform better at securing objectives such as the Lord and turrets.

Mage Icon

A magician (abbreviated as mage) is a hero with a longer range, ability-based area of effect damage, and crowd control that they may utilize to strike from a distance. Mages primarily focus on magic skills that deals magic damage, usually burst damage, and as a consequence, they spend a lot of gold on equipment that allows them to do more damage and have shorter skill cooldowns.

The Sup
Support Icon
role is to aid and help protect your allies in any situation. Your role is is to shield or heal them, to tanking some damage or sacrificing yourself to keep others alive. You are often giving up the glorious kills in the game to support others, but in the end its usually the support to secure the true MVP award. Support heroes usually lane with the marksman in top lane or at mid lane in order to be able to travel quickly where they are needed.


Main Article: Hero Specialties

Hero Specialty is the expertise of a hero, which they greatly excel in. There are a total of 15 kinds of specialties, namely Regen, Crowd Control, Control, Reap, Charge, Chase, Push, Damage, Mixed Damage, Magic Damage, Burst, Poke, Initiator, Guard, and Support.

  • Regen: This specialty allows a hero to self-regenerate HP, while in the battlefield or also, allows them to regenerate the HP of their allies (otherwise stated). These heroes have a higher chance of survivability, especially during teamfights.
  • Crowd Control: This specialty allows a hero to control or merely interrupt the enemy heroes on the battlefield with skills that can inflict status change to a hero, such as: slow down, silence, freeze, suppress, stun, knock up, knockback, or immobilize.
  • Control: Control is the specialty assigned to heroes that have skillsets that make enemies be controlled for a longer period of time and make them vulnerable to damage.
  • Reap: This specialty helps a hero in harassing and preventing opponents from farming or pushing. Most of the heroes that have this specialty are the marksmen and assassins. This specialty helps in finishing off fleeing enemies and obtaining last hits, with comparative ease.
  • Charge: This specialty allows a hero to catch an enemy with blink skills like dive, jump, teleport, or dash.
  • Chase: Chase is a specialty assigned to heroes that specializes in chasing down fleeing enemies in and out battles. Their skillsets include mobility skills that when used with the right timing and proper positioning, they could instantly close the gap between them and their enemy and kill them.
  • Push: This specialty helps in easier killing of minions or jungle creeps and in also in faster turret pushing, with their skills, because they can deal high damage to turrets when compared to heroes without this specialty.
  • Damage: This specialty allows a hero to deal a range of low to average damage, within a long period of time. This is good for harassing enemies or reducing the opponents' HP consistently, and bit by bit. This specialty is very superior in the early game laning phase, where everybody still stays cautious in exchanging attacks.
  • Mixed Damage: Mixed Damage is the specialty assigned to heroes that have abilities that benefits from both Physical Attack and Magic Power that allows them to have more diverse and strategic gameplay on which they can adapt during a match and combo certain emblems or equipment that normally wouldn't be possible.
  • Magic Damage: Magic Damage is the specialty assigned to heroes that deal Magic Damage but aren't necessarily considered as Mages due to their playstyles and skillsets. They do not benefit from Physical stats such as Physical PEN or Physical Lifesteal but instead benefit from Magic stats such as Magic PEN or Magical Lifesteal.
  • Burst: This specialty allows a hero to deal a range of average to high damage, within a short period of time. This specialty is good in ganking enemies as they can finish them off within a short span and is usually used by mages and assassins. Heroes with this specialty are suitable to fight enemy heroes who have a smaller amount of HP because a hero with this specialty is able to kill off low HP enemies quickly in a short notice.
  • Poke: This specialty allows a hero to harass enemies, with long-ranged attacks, dealing decent damage and making them fall back from their lane. It can be used to stop the enemies from attacking, as these heroes can force the opponent to retreat, by using their poke skills.
  • Initiator: This specialty allows a hero to start or initiate a teamfight by using a powerful multi-unit skill. This specialty is also known as 'Setter'.
  • Guard: Guard is the specialty assigned to heroes that are protectors of their team and usually serve to make sure their team and their carries are safe. They are equipped with skills that make sure that their Carry won't be killed throughout the whole game and provides the vision for the entire team.
  • Support: Support is the specialty assigned to Heroes, who possess skills that interacts with other allied heroes and moreover aid them in ways such as teleporting or transporting allies to designated locations across the map and providing damage resistance.

Laning Roles

There are a total of 5 laning roles which are also taken by 5 players and namely, Roam, Jungle, Mid Lane, EXP Lane, and Gold Lane. Roam {{{1}}} Jungle {{{1}}} Mid Lane {{{1}}} EXP Lane Gold Lane {{{1}}}

Meta Heroes

Main Article: Meta Heroes
Meta heroes are usually the recently released ones or recently buffed ones, with overpowering skills, or naturally, the ones that most commonly or very rarely banned in Draft Pick-Ranked Game. The meta heroes mostly include most heroes who deserve urgent nerfs and some heroes who were totally nerfed in a row, without a buff, due to their low chances of being banned. They are the ones who shift the hero picks for every game you play, forcing you to try your luck around with multiple heroes, and making the matchup more intense.


Main Article: Land of Dawn

Note: It should be noted that some factions are not clearly stated/named in the game's lore. Some Factions are based on the Magic Chess Synergy. Some names of the factions are non-canon, which is not the official name.


  • Rafaela Rafaela, Johnson Johnson, Layla Layla, Cyclops Cyclops, and Saber Saber are members of the S.A.B.E.R. Squad.
    • After Patch Notes 1.2.76, They added new entry voices.
    • All the names of their skins are matched from the name of the squad.
      • Strangely, Cyclops has been renamed to Blaster from Exploder (In the Advance Server). The reasons for renaming still remain, unknown.
  • Angela AngelaGusion GusionHanabi HanabiHarley Harley, and Grock Grock are members of the V.E.N.O.M. Squad
    • This squad rivals S.A.B.E.R., is in control of the metropolitan city, Zlatan.
    • Each corresponding heroes have their own lores and background stories, with provided comics and illustrations, which are also under temporary notes for addition to this wiki.
    • Despite their squad name, none of the members' (Vespid, Emperor Scorpion, Nephila, Octopus or Monitor Lizard) venoms are actually neither fatal nor harmful enough, to humans or any other creatures, to cause certain death.
      • In fact, Vespid venom can actually be mixed with medicine and be used as an injected remedy to cure a number of illnesses.
      • Gusion Gusion and Harley Harley received in both Assassin Role.
  • Tigreal Tigreal, Fanny Fanny, Alucard Alucard, Granger Granger, and Harith Harith are the members of the Lightborn Squad.
    • These warriors are the chevaliers of the Moniyan Empire and they ought to protect its glory and fight the Abyssal Demons.
    • Fanny Fanny and Alucard Alucard received in both Assassin Role.
    • Different with another skins, Ranger Lightborn has have a wings.
    • Silvanna Silvanna is one of them, according, to the game's lore, however, she has no special skin of this type, but instead only the default one which pretty much matches the color scheme. Kimmy Kimmy is also said to play a major role, here, as a protector of the Moniyan Empire.
  • However, Valir Valir, Estes Estes, Masha Masha, Ling Ling, and Kimmy Kimmy are the members of the Dragon Tamer Squad.
    • This squad aims to help the Guardian Dragons, fight back the Kraken and eradicate their evil dominance, in the Dragon Altar.
  • Aldous Aldous, Franco Franco, Layla Layla, Esmeralda Esmeralda, and Claude Claude are members of the Blazing Bounties Squad.
    • Layla Layla and Claude Claude received in both Marksman Role.
    • Franco Franco and Esmeralda Esmeralda received in both Tank Role.
    • Blazing Gun can be obtained by Blazing Gun's Call Event after release on November 17, 2020.
      • As of December 2, 2020 Blazing Gun is now available on purchasing with 899 Diamonds 899 Diamonds.
  • In fact, Layla Layla's was have 2 Squad Skins, that is S.A.B.E.R. and Blazing Bounties.
  • Some heroes, who have Seasonal/Special skins are:
  • Alucard Alucard, Karrie Karrie, Minotaur Minotaur, Valir Valir, Irithel Irithel, Gord Gord, Tigreal Tigreal, Martis Martis and Leomord Leomord all have Inferno-themed skins and are also referred to as the Hell squad.
  • Balmond Balmond, Nana Nana, Karina Karina and Eudora Eudora are the only heroes to have 3 complimentary skins with their same entry.
    • Saber Saber, Alucard Alucard and Gord Gord were like this, until Alucard's default skin was revamped and so were Saber and Gord's first and second skins.
  • Hylos Hylos is the only hero who doesn't have a complimentary skin with a same entry of his default skin.
  • Miya Miya, Saber Saber, Gord Gord, Alucard Alucard,  Lesley Lesley and Gusion Gusion are the only heroes with Legendary skins.
  • Alucard Alucard and Clint Clint are the only heroes with their default skin to be remade with different entry, but not their complimentary skins. (Lone Hero and Fiery Inferno for Alucard and Sun 'n' Sand for Clint.)
    • Although Kagura Kagura has a complimentary skin (Flower Season), her entries were bit different when comparing it to her default skin.
    • Miya Miya, Karina Karina, Franco Franco, Eudora Eudora, Lolita Lolita, Hayabusa Hayabusa, Chou Chou and Sun Sun are also the only heroes with the entries of their complimentary skins to be changed without re-modeling after their first skin re-model.
  • Only 6 heroes received the limited edition, special King of Fighters collaboration skins, namely:
  • Some heroes get particular repainted versions of their existing skins, that is, mostly Elite and Special skin types, and rarely Epic Skin type too. For further insight, please look into Painted Skins.
  • Upon introduction of Mastery Codes, there were also a couple of heroes, receiving a Sacred Statue. Sacred Statues grants +5 star-raising bonus points and can only be used in 5v5 matches. For further insight, please look into Sacred Statue.
  • Carmilla Carmilla and Cecilion Cecilion are the only couple heroes, who have their complimentary skins, shared.

  • Angela Angela, Rafaela Rafaela, Minotaur Minotaur and Estes Estes are only heroes who can heal themselves and nearby allies.
  • Roger Roger and Selena Selena are the only two heroes that can transform into another form, even in the early game.
  • Most of the old heroes in the game have been reworked, at least once in their model and/or one or multiple skills (not including the most recent heroes).
    • Johnson Johnson, Lolita Lolita, Sun Sun, Clint Clint, Akai Akai, Hayabusa Hayabusa, Minotaur Minotaur, Bane Bane, Kagura Kagura, Nana Nana, Valir Valir, Belerick Belerick and Freya Freya were reworked almost completely, including their skills and model.
      • Clint Clint was the very first hero to be reworked. He is also the only hero whose rework was specifically aimed to nerf him, as he was considered too powerful and less tactical than intended; all the other reworked heroes received significant buffs in playstyle, with Johnson now being one of the top heroes in the game.
    • Alice Alice, Gord Gord, and Rafaela Rafaela got their model reworked, but with less significant changes to their skills.
    • Chou Chou, Zilong Zilong, Eudora Eudora, Freya Freya, Franco Franco, and Layla Layla got their models considerably reworked but kept almost identical skills. However, Freya's skills were given a slight buff.
    • Kagura Kagura, Vexana Vexana, Gatotkaca Gatotkaca, Yi Sun-shin Yi Sun-shin (2019), Hayabusa HayabusaZhask Zhask, Badang Badang, Bruno Bruno, Pharsa Pharsa, Natalia Natalia, Hanzo Hanzo, and Lancelot Lancelot got a rework in their skills but kept the same model.
    • Almost every other hero only got minor reworks of some sort in their model, portrait, or skills, or were changed only in early stages of the game (Miya, Tigreal,...) and were left, basically untouched since then.
  • The only pair/group of heroes with a buff or bonus when playing together are Lesley Lesley and Harley Harley.
    • Dyrroth Dyrroth, and Silvanna Silvanna have their own buff too when they are against each other on the battlefield.
    • It is very similar to the Oriental Fighters, if at least 2 of the members are playing together, they receive a special buff, of up to 4 members. The more members you play with, the higher buff you get.
    • In the future, some bonuses might be given to other pairs/groups of related heroes, such as S.A.B.E.R. Squad, Lancelot and Odette, Karina and Selena, Vale and Valir, etc.
  • Aurora Aurora is the only hero in the game who can freeze enemies by triggering her passive: Pride of Ice Pride of Ice.
    • However, before Miya Miya's new revamp in Project NEXT: Phase 1, she could freeze her enemies using her Rain of Arrows Rain of Arrows. Miya's current replaced second skill to Arrow of Eclipse Arrow of Eclipse will now immobilize the enemies, making Aurora Aurora be the only hero with a freeze effect.
  • Zhask Zhask, Lunox Lunox, Masha Masha, Pharsa Pharsa, Popol and Kupa Popol and Kupa, and Yu Zhong Yu Zhong are the only heroes with more than 3 active abilities without transforming.
    • The latter has the most number of abilities with 5, surpassing Zhask (with 4).
    • However, Lunox's first and second skills are upgraded simultaneously and share cooldown time when one is used; thus they could be technically be counted as two versions of the same skill, similar to her ultimate.
    • Before Pharsa's revamped, she had only 3 active abilities.
    • Masha and Pharsa's fourth skills have no upgraded skills compare to the Zhask, Popol, and Yu Zhong's last skills.
    • In the development of Luo Yi Luo Yi's abilities, she had 4 skills, but in the later patch, she was reworked making it into 3 skills.
    • Cecilion Cecilion too has the fourth skill; However, it can be accessed only in the presence of his lover Carmilla Carmilla, and is more of an in-game pair buff within Moonlit Waltz Moonlit Waltz.
  • Additional lines of the hero can be found in their skill descriptions.
  • In a single update, Patch 1.4.60, 4 heroes were revamped: Freya Freya, Lancelot Lancelot, Hanzo Hanzo, and Natalia Natalia.

    • Balmond Balmond, Nana Nana, Belerick Belerick, Freya Freya, Yi Sun-shin Yi Sun-shin, Eudora Eudora, Zilong Zilong, Miya Miya, Saber Saber, Alucard Alucard, Layla Layla, and Lapu-Lapu Lapu-Lapu are the only heroes who have their voice lines and actors changed.
    • Diggie Diggie, Nana Nana, Harley Harley, Harith Harith, Angela Angela, Chang'e Chang'e, Lylia Lylia, Ruby Ruby, Popol and Kupa Popol and Kupa and Wanwan Wanwan are the only child-like heroes in the game.
      • This was also true for Lolita Lolita before she was reworked. She now looks like, more of a teenager.
      • Although, as a matter of fact, Chang'e is actually a couple of hundred years old.
      • Jawhead Jawhead is the only hero who carries a companion (Ellie) that does not help him in the fight
    • Vale Vale, Valir Valir, Kadita Kadita, Grock Grock, and Uranus Uranus are the only heroes with the powers of Greek classical elements.
    • Johnson Johnson, Alpha Alpha, Angela Angela, Jawhead Jawhead, X X.Borg, Saber Saber, and Atlas Atlas are only the heroes who are robots or mechanicals.
      • Most of them are Cyborgs, except Angela and Jawhead that are fully mechanical heroes.
      • Cyclops Cyclops' S.A.B.E.R. Squad skin is the only fully mechanical hero who is originally biological. The reasons for this change are unknown.
      • Additionally, Johnson Johnson and X X.Borg were born humans, who were later transformed into humanoid cyborgs. This information can be found in their respective lores.
    • A particular case regards Roger Roger, who had a minor rework after Patch 1.2.70. The only change was the cigarette he put in his mouth is removed because of the international laws, regarding cigarettes. Now, he can be seen on his entry animation putting a wolf pin on his coat (it also applies for his Dark Gent skin, but with a rose instead). A similar change for the same reason was made to Yi Sun-shin Yi Sun-shin's skin "Apocalypse Agent" 's entry animation, where he no longer smokes a cigarette but can be seen drinking vine, from a flask.
      • Saber Saber is the only one who can transform, as it is seen upon his hero select animation, executing his ultimate skill and his recall animation.
    • There are only 12 heroes with full names.
    • Many heroes are directly inspired by characters from Magic Rush, another game developed by Moonton (but published by Elex in Google Play Store).
      • Some of them share the same design, such as Alpha Alpha, Akai Akai, Helcurt Helcurt, and Ruby Ruby.
      • Others have the same voice acting and quotes, such as Franco Franco, Bane Bane, Fanny Fanny and Nana Nana (this may have been a choice to reduce production times and expenses).
    • The current list of Sibling Heroes are as follows:
      • Lesley Lesley / Harley Harley (adoptive and the only pair to have a special buff for them in-game)
      • Lancelot Lancelot / Guinevere Guinevere
      • Karina Karina / Selena Selena
      • Zilong Zilong / Chang'e Chang'e
      • Tigreal Tigreal / Fanny Fanny
      • Silvanna Silvanna / Dyrroth Dyrroth (they are no longer allies but Silvanna persistently considered her brother. They also have a special buff for them in-game, but only when they are in the opposite team)
      • In Kimmy Kimmy's early development stages, she was presumed to be released as Layla Layla's sister, this idea was scratched however as Kimmy was a Moniyan Ally, whilst Layla is from the city of Eruditio.
        • In addition to this, her original name was Mary, Splat Queen.
    • The current list of heroes with romantic relationships are as follows:
      • Lancelot Lancelot / Odette Odette (Lovers)
        • They are the most obvious lovers in-game, however, with no special buff for them in-game.
      • Khufra Khufra / Esmeralda Esmeralda (Enemies?)
        • Although it is often speculated that Khufra and Esmeralda had been lovers in the past, this is untrue. In fact, it might be Esmeralda's ancestor instead, or a fellow astrologer. She is able to feel sorrow for the past failure of their love, but nevertheless, took the task upon herself to lock Khufra in his boundaries.
      • Hayabusa Hayabusa / Kagura Kagura (Lovers)
        • Formerly assumed to be childhood friends, it was later confirmed that the two had been 'Childhood Sweethearts' instead.
      • Hayabusa Hayabusa / Hanabi Hanabi (???)
        • Although, Hayabusa and Hanabi were considered to be childhood rivals, it was said that Hanabi had taken a secret liking towards her rival. She was always jealous when she saw Hayabusa spend time with Kagura. Later on, though, she had once again made her mind to not waste time on petty things like love.
      • Gusion Gusion / Guinevere Guinevere (???)
        • Although their relationship is unknown, it is a fact that the two of them show mutual affection and love for one another, although unnoticed, it is definitely mutual. Guinevere, however, might be engaged by agreement to one of Gusion's brothers.
      • Harith Harith / Nana Nana (???)
        • It was said that Nana had feelings for Harith, though the latter rejected and insisted that she stay clear of him, in worry of her safety.
      • Carmilla Carmilla / Cecilion Cecilion (Lovers)
        • They are the closest lovers in the game and also have their unique ability, the only interactive skill, Moonlit Waltz Moonlit Waltz.
    • Zilong Zilong, Baxia Baxia, Ling Ling, and Wanwan Wanwan are the members of the Oriental Fighters
    • In 2020, Clint Clint, Tigreal Tigreal, and Zilong Zilong's model were tweaked. White hair and small hats for Clint, remodeled shield for Tigreal, and a new hairstyle for Zilong.
    • Zilong Zilong, Irithel Irithel, Diggie Diggie, Pharsa Pharsa, Gusion Gusion, Aldous Aldous, Kimmy Kimmy, Harith Harith, Dyrroth Dyrroth, Baxia Baxia, Ling Ling, Luo Yi Luo Yi, Yu Zhong Yu Zhong, Benedetta Benedetta, Barats Barats, and Brody Brody have their old names during their development stages: Yun Zhao, Mona, Digger, Fasha, Gossen, Aulrad, Mary, Lambert, Dyrus, Bixi, Rynn, Yi, Chong, Bella, Barts, and Protti respectively.
      • Zilong was once named Yun Zhao, which was later changed into Zhao Yun, and then the current name.
      • Before Rynn, It was named Zoe, and Qingque is the codename before its showcase in the Advanced Server.
      • For Luo Yi, Yi may disambiguate the name from Yi Sun-shin Yi Sun-shin.
      • In the situation of Yu Zhong, many players are offended because of its name (the original), since it unintentionally referred to something that is unknown.
      • Barats was not only one renamed himself, but also his partner Detona which was previously named Rahal.
    • Faramis Faramis, Belerick Belerick, Silvanna Silvanna, Luo Yi Luo Yi, Benedetta Benedetta and Mathilda Mathilda are the only heroes whom you can get for free by logging-in during certain Major Events.
    • Kagura Kagura and Luo Yi Luo Yi are the heroes to use the concept of Yin-yang.

    List of heroes
    Tank Icon
    Akai AkaiAlice AliceAtlas AtlasBarats BaratsBaxia BaxiaBelerick BelerickCarmilla CarmillaChip ChipEdith EdithEsmeralda EsmeraldaFranco FrancoFredrinn FredrinnGatotkaca GatotkacaGloo GlooGrock GrockHilda HildaHylos HylosJohnson JohnsonKhufra KhufraLolita LolitaMasha MashaMinotaur MinotaurTigreal TigrealUranus Uranus
    Fighter Icon
    Aldous AldousAlpha AlphaAlucard AlucardArgus ArgusArlott ArlottAulus AulusBadang BadangBalmond BalmondBane BaneBarats BaratsBenedetta BenedettaChou ChouCici CiciDyrroth DyrrothFredrinn FredrinnFreya FreyaGatotkaca GatotkacaGrock GrockGuinevere GuinevereHilda HildaJawhead JawheadJulian JulianKaja KajaKhaleed KhaleedLapu-Lapu Lapu-LapuLeomord LeomordMartis MartisMasha MashaMinsitthar MinsittharPaquito PaquitoPhoveus PhoveusRoger RogerRuby RubySilvanna SilvannaSun SunTerizla TerizlaThamuz ThamuzX X.BorgYin YinYu Zhong Yu ZhongZilong Zilong
    Assassin Icon
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