Mobile Legends: Bang Bang Wiki
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A ferocious warrior who gets stronger as he fights.
Mobile Legends: Bang Bang

Aulus, the Warrior of Ferocity, is a hero in Mobile Legends: Bang Bang.

Hero stats [edit]
Attribute Fixed-value base stats Percentage stats
Level 1 Level 15 Growth
HP 2758 5628 205 -
Mana 410 1810 100 -
HP Regen 10.2 16.6 0.45714 -
Mana Regen 3.4 6.0 0.18571 -
Physical Attack 90 268 12.7143 -
Magic Power 0 -
Physical Defense (Physical DMG Reduced) 24 (16.7%) 73 (37.8%) 3.5 -
Magic Defense (Magic DMG Reduced) 15 (11.1%) 38 (24.1%) 1.6429 -
Attack Speed 0.92 1.12 0.0142857 -
Attack Speed Ratio - 100%
Cooldown Reduction - 0%
Critical Chance - 0%
Critical Damage - 200%
Crit DMG Reduction - 0%
Movement Speed 255 -
Physical PEN 0 0%
Magic PEN 0 0%
Lifesteal - 0%
Spell Vamp - 0%
Basic Attack Range -
Resilience - 0%
Damage Reduction 0 0%
Healing Effect - 0%
Healing Received - 100%


A Leonin warrior that fights to prove himself.

Aulus longed to become a warrior, and for that, the other Leonins had taunted him and his battleaxe. To prove his powers, Aulus held back his rage, left his clan, and went on a journey to achieve great feats. But as a Leonin, all he ever faced was prejudice and injustice from the world. No longer able to bear it, Aulus headed toward the Lantis Mountains alone to hunt demons. Here, his strong rage awoke the slumbering battleaxe and henceforth they fought side by side to prove themselves, and the power of Leonins.


In Aulus’ home stored a powerful battleaxe long forgotten by the Leonins. Legend has it that this battleaxe had fought alongside their ancestors and achieved countless feats, and within it lied great power. But after a century of peace and security, this weapon of war was gradually ignored and despised by the Leonins, and even worse, it became a farming tool used to chop firewood.

But unlike his people, Aulus had been wishing that one day he’d become a respected warrior, like his ancestors as they held their battleaxe and fought valiantly on the battlefield. And yet the battleaxe in his home was no different than an ordinary axe, and holding it felt like holding a large chunk of iron with its unusually heavy weight.

Even so, Aulus firmly believed in the legend of the battleaxe and carried it with him wherever he went. Every time he patrolled the Leonins’ territory with his battleaxe, he felt the axe looked a bit mightier and he was one step closer to achieving his dream. Therefore, Aulus patrolled like a warrior every day without failing, come what may.

However, the other Leonins laughed at him for his daily patrol, saying that Aulus was as plain ordinary as his axe and yet always daydreaming of being a legendary hero, only it was under the protection of the magic barrier. Seeing that his dream and ancestors’ honor was brought down and crushed, Aulus could bear no more and beat the Leonin who humiliated him, and his own people had since feared and alienated him.

Aulus saw that instead of solving the problem, his rage further aggravated their misunderstandings, so he made the decision to leave the forest and go on an adventure with his battleaxe, to prove himself with great feats.

Aulus suppressed his hot temper, trying to blend into the human society and look for opportunities to achieve his dream. But to his surprise, the outside world had lots of prejudices against the Leonins.

Once Aulus wanted to follow the caravans to the Moniyan Empire and join the army, but the caravan leader said the small Leonins were better suited being jesters in the palace, instead of going to the battles. Aulus thus went north to Northern Vale, but they only hire him to clean up the battlefield. And when he finally had a chance to fight with the army, another soldier rubbed Aulus’ ear and said he reminded him of his cute kitten at home…

All of this enraged Aulus, but he put up with it. He kept honing his battle skills and rushed to the frontline without fear, hoping that he’d one day be recognized at the triumphant ceremony. Yet on the ceremony he’d long been waiting for, the general gave the honor that should belong to Aulus to a rookie soldier. Aulus could bear it no longer and questioned him, and to his surprise, the drunk general answered honestly that he didn’t think a Leonin deserved to lead humans.

No longer could Aulus tolerate all these prejudices. He left the camp overnight and headed to the Lantis Mountains with only one goal in mind – he would fight the demons to prove that a Leonin could become a great warrior too.

Alone on the Lantis Mountains, Aulus faced a much more dangerous challenge than ever before. Standing in front of swarms of evil demons, he could no longer hold back the burning rage inside. After the lonesome, persistent journey full of his own people’s taunts, other races’ prejudices and the unfairness of the world, all the emotions he’d suppressed poured out into his battle with the demons. Strike after strike, the dark and dull battleaxe began to emit a glowing light as written in the legend – Aulus’ indomitable rage awoke the battleaxe that had been in slumber for a century!

At that moment, Aulus felt power surging into both of his hands and the battleaxe was no longer heavy like iron. Surprised, he found the battleaxe alive and could keep enhancing as his rage increased. Aulus was beyond elated, and as if responding to his emotions, the battleaxe grew even brighter. They fought side by side and faced no opponent, the demons all turning into dust under the powerful axe before they could even flee.

On the Lantis Mountains, another group were also fighting to prove their powers – Benedetta and her ranger squad, and Aulus joined them without much hesitation. He believed that through battles, he’d become a respected warrior one day. At this time, he’d no longer be fighting for himself, but to prove his strength to the whole Land of Dawn and to crush people’s prejudices against the Leonins.



Fighting Spirit
Fighting Spirit
A war axe that fights more fiercely as the battle continues.

Aulus adds a stack of Fighting Spirit to his axe per second for 3 seconds after dealing damage to any enemy (up to 4 stacks). Each stack grants 9-15% extra Attack speed and 1-4 Physical Penetration (scales with Undying Fury Undying Fury level).
Aulus also gains 10% extra Movement Speed and 42-210 Basic Attack Damage at max Fighting Spirit stacks (scales with level).
Skill terms
Physical ATK
Total current Physical ATK.
Physical PEN
Deduct enemy’s Physical Defense by a fixed point or by percent. Enemy’s actual Physical Defense = Enemy’s Physical Defense × (100% - Percent of Physical PEN) - - Fixed points of Physical PEN.
Movement Speed
Movement Speed on the battlefield. Usually Calculated and Actual Movement Speed is equal. But when Movement Speed is below 230 or over 420 both Slowdown and Speedup Effect will decay. Calculated Movement Speed = Basic Movement Speed × (100% + All Speedup Effect% - All Slowdown Effect%).
Icon variants

Skill 1[]

Aulus, Charge!
Aulus, Charge!
Speed Up Slow

Aulus removes all slow effects and gains 30-50% extra Movement Speed and 20-50% Damage Reduction against attacks from the front for 5 seconds.
Skill terms
Movement Speed
Movement Speed on the battlefield. Usually Calculated and Actual Movement Speed is equal. But when Movement Speed is below 230 or over 420 both Slowdown and Speedup Effect will decay. Calculated Movement Speed = Basic Movement Speed × (100% + All Speedup Effect% - All Slowdown Effect%).
Damage Reduction
Deduct the final damage (the damage that has deducted by Physical and Magic DEF) by [fixed points] or by percent. But cannot deduct the True Damage.
Icon variants
Level scaling
Properties 1 2 3 4 5 6
Cooldown 16.0 15.6 15.2 14.8 14.4 14.0
Mana Cost 50 55 60 65 70 75
Movement Speed Bonus 30% 34% 38% 42% 46% 50%

Skill 2[]

The Power of Axe
The Power of Axe
Burst Buff

Aulus brandishes his axe, dealing 150–550 (+120% Extra Physical Attack) Physical Damage to enemies in a fan-shaped area, and enhancing his next Basic Attacks for 3 seconds after hitting enemy heroes or Creeps. Aulus recovers HP by 50-100 (+1% Total HP) Basic Attack.
Icon variants
Level scaling
Properties 1 2 3 4 5 6
Cooldown 5.0
Mana Cost 40 46 52 58 64 70
Base Damage 150 230 310 390 470 550
Attack Speed Boost 100% 120% 140% 160% 180% 200%


Undying Fury
Undying Fury
Slow Buff

Passive: Every time Undying Fury Undying Fury is upgraded, Aulus crafts a part for his axe in order. Active: Aulus raises his axe and smashes it to the ground, dealing 210–290 (+100% Extra Physical Attack) Physical Damage to enemies in a line and slowing them by 90% for 0.5 seconds. A burning trail that lasts for 5 seconds is left on the ground, dealing 90–130 (+40% Extra Physical Attack) Physical Damage to enemies who walk on it every 0.5 seconds and slowing them by 70%.
Skill terms
Physical Basic Attack
Deal Physical Damage to enemies. Triggers ATK Effects and Lifesteal.
Physical Damage
Physical Damage taken can be reduced by increasing Physical Defense.
Movement Speed
Movement Speed on the battlefield. Usually Calculated and Actual Movement Speed is equal. But when Movement Speed is below 230 or over 420 both Slowdown and Speedup Effect will decay. Calculated Movement Speed = Basic Movement Speed × (100% + All Speedup Effect% - All Slowdown Effect%).
Icon variants
Level scaling
Properties 1 2 3
Cooldown 50.0 45.0 40.0
Mana Cost 150 180 210
Base Damage 210 250 290
Sustained Damage 90 110 130


Splash art[]

Avatar icons[]


  • He is the 3rd leonin to be introduced in the game along with Nana Nana and Harith Harith.
List of heroes
Tank Icon
Akai AkaiAlice AliceAtlas AtlasBarats BaratsBaxia BaxiaBelerick BelerickCarmilla CarmillaChip ChipEdith EdithEsmeralda EsmeraldaFranco FrancoFredrinn FredrinnGatotkaca GatotkacaGloo GlooGrock GrockHilda HildaHylos HylosJohnson JohnsonKhufra KhufraLolita LolitaMasha MashaMinotaur MinotaurTerizla TerizlaTigreal TigrealUranus Uranus
Fighter Icon
Aldous AldousAlpha AlphaAlucard AlucardArgus ArgusArlott ArlottAulus AulusBadang BadangBalmond BalmondBane BaneBarats BaratsBenedetta BenedettaChou ChouCici CiciDyrroth DyrrothFredrinn FredrinnFreya FreyaGatotkaca GatotkacaGrock GrockGuinevere GuinevereHilda HildaJawhead JawheadJulian JulianKaja KajaKhaleed KhaleedLapu-Lapu Lapu-LapuLeomord LeomordMartis MartisMasha MashaMinsitthar MinsittharPaquito PaquitoPhoveus PhoveusRoger RogerRuby RubySilvanna SilvannaSun SunSuyou SuyouTerizla TerizlaThamuz ThamuzX X.BorgYin YinYu Zhong Yu ZhongZilong Zilong
Assassin Icon
Aamon AamonAlucard AlucardArlott ArlottBenedetta BenedettaFanny FannyGusion GusionHanzo HanzoHarley HarleyHayabusa HayabusaHelcurt HelcurtJoy JoyKadita KaditaKarina KarinaLancelot LancelotLesley LesleyLing LingMathilda MathildaNatalia NataliaNolan NolanPaquito PaquitoSaber SaberSelena SelenaSuyou SuyouYi Sun-shin Yi Sun-shinYin YinZilong Zilong
Mage Icon
Alice AliceAurora AuroraBane BaneCecilion CecilionChang'e Chang'eCyclops CyclopsEsmeralda EsmeraldaEudora EudoraFaramis FaramisGord GordHarith HarithHarley HarleyJulian JulianKadita KaditaKagura KaguraKimmy KimmyLunox LunoxLuo Yi Luo YiLylia LyliaNana NanaNovaria NovariaOdette OdettePharsa PharsaSelena SelenaVale ValeValentina ValentinaValir ValirVexana VexanaXavier XavierYve YveZhask ZhaskZhuxin Zhuxin
Marksman Icon
Beatrix BeatrixBrody BrodyBruno BrunoClaude ClaudeClint ClintEdith EdithGranger GrangerHanabi HanabiIrithel IrithelIxia IxiaKarrie KarrieKimmy KimmyLayla LaylaLesley LesleyMelissa MelissaMiya MiyaMoskov MoskovNatan NatanPopol and Kupa Popol and KupaRoger RogerWanwan WanwanYi Sun-shin Yi Sun-shin
Support Icon
Angela AngelaCarmilla CarmillaChip ChipDiggie DiggieEstes EstesFaramis FaramisFloryn FlorynJohnson JohnsonKaja KajaLolita LolitaMathilda MathildaMinotaur MinotaurRafaela Rafaela
  1. In-game credit