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Space-traveling mage.
Mobile Legends: Bang Bang

Cyclops, the Starsoul Magician, is a hero in Mobile Legends: Bang Bang.

Hero stats [edit]
Attribute Fixed-value base stats Percentage stats
Level 1 Level 15 Growth
HP 2521 -180.071 -
Mana 500 -35.714 -
HP Regen 7.6 -0.54286 -
Mana Regen 4 -0.28571 -
Physical Attack 112 -8 -
Magic Power 0 -
Physical Defense (Physical DMG Reduced) 18 (13%) -1.2857 -
Magic Defense (Magic DMG Reduced) 15 (11.1%) -1.0714 -
Attack Speed 1 -0.0714286 -
Attack Speed Ratio - 100%
Cooldown Reduction - 0%
Critical Chance - 0%
Critical Damage - 200%
Crit DMG Reduction - 0%
Movement Speed 240 -
Physical PEN 0 0%
Magic PEN 0 0%
Lifesteal - 0%
Spell Vamp - 0%
Basic Attack Range -
Resilience - 0%
Damage Reduction 0 0%
Healing Effect - 0%
Healing Received - 100%


To the far east of the Land of Dawn, lies the unexplored Land of the Giants, home to Cyclops, a one-eyed dwarf-giant, with a surprisingly tiny frame. As Cyclops grew up, he turned out to be much different from other Giants, not only was he small in proportion, but also was he unique. As such, unlike the other Giants, he couldn't really rely on brute force.

However, Cyclops was obsessed with stars and skies since he was little. He would gaze at the skies all day and night and consequently, he discovered the truth, that planets were always under orbital motion. And he also realized that this kind of movements contained unbelievable magical power. With an hourglass to load and control this kind of power, he became the famous "Starsoul Magician" of his homeland, granting him the ability to travel between space. Planetary motion would never stop, hence making Cyclops extremely powerful and invincible. Unfortunately, this realization made him feel quite lonely.

One day, during one of Cyclops's space travels, he arrived at the Land of Dawn and found, much to his surprise, that there were many strong opponents, waiting for him to defeat. Cyclops believed that where he went and what he saw, he would conquer. With the powerful magical powers of planetary motion, by his side, Cyclops ventured into the Land of Dawn, deciding that he'd bring down his name as one of the greatest heroes, that there ever was.



Starlit Hourglass
Starlit Hourglass

Each time Cyclops hits an enemy with his skills, all his skill cooldowns are reduced by 0.5s.
Skill terms
The time needed for casting the skill one more time, which can be affected by CD Reduction (unless otherwise stated).
Icon variants
Star Wars Skin Tag Starlit Hourglass Star Wars

Skill 1[]

Stardust Shock
Stardust Shock

Cyclops casts two Stardust Disks, each dealing 275–400 (+60% Total Magic Power) Magic Damage to enemies in its path.
Skill terms
Magic Skill
Deal Magic DMG to enemies. Triggers Spell Vamp.
Icon variants
Star Wars Skin Tag Stardust Shock Star Wars
Level scaling
Properties 1 2 3 4 5 6
Cooldown 9.0
Mana Cost 100
Base Damage 275 300 325 350 375 400

Skill 2[]

Planets Attack
Planets Attack

Cyclops conjures Starlit Spheres around himself while gaining 30% Movement Speed for 2s. The spheres will automatically seek and attack nearby enemies (prioritizes enemy heroes), exploding on collision and dealing 200–350 (+50% Total Magic Power) Magic Damage to the enemy. Enemies hit by multiple sphere will take reduced damage after the first hit.
Skill terms
Magic Skill
Deal Magic DMG to enemies. Triggers Spell Vamp.
Movement Speed
Movement Speed on the battlefield. Usually Calculated and Actual Movement Speed is equal. But when Movement Speed is below 230 or over 420 both Slowdown and Speedup Effect will decay. Calculated Movement Speed = Basic Movement Speed × (100% + All Speedup Effect% - All Slowdown Effect%).
Icon variants
Star Wars Skin Tag Planets Attack Star Wars
Level scaling
Properties 1 2 3 4 5 6
Cooldown 14 13.5 13 12.5 11 10.5
Mana Cost 60 66 72 78 84 90
Base Damage 200 230 260 290 320 350


Star Power Lockdown
Star Power Lockdown

Cyclops creates a Planetary Sphere and sends it after target enemy hero or Creep, dealing 500–800 (+220% Total Magic Power) Magic Damage and immobilizing them for 1-2s (increases with travel distance).
Skill terms
A state that prevents a target from moving. The target can't use Blink within the duration.
Magic Skill
Deal Magic DMG to enemies. Triggers Spell Vamp.
Icon variants
Star Wars Skin Tag Star Power Lockdown Star Wars
Level scaling
Properties 1 2 3
Cooldown 43.0
Mana Cost 160 180 200
Base Damage 500 715 880


Splash art[]

Avatar icons[]

Battle emote[]


• The term "Dwarf-Giant" is a size description used in astronomy to describe the size of a star. "Dwarf-Giant" refers to a star that is small compared to a normal star. This term can be used metaphorically to describe Cyclops as a dwarf, indicating that he is small compared to a normal Cyclops.

• The item "Concentrated Energy" used to be related to Cyclops' lore. In his splash art, you can see Cyclops holding this swirling energy, which is actually a gem causing destruction. After sealing it, the gem is now contained and called "Concentrated Energy".


List of heroes
Tank Icon
Akai AkaiAlice AliceAtlas AtlasBarats BaratsBaxia BaxiaBelerick BelerickCarmilla CarmillaChip ChipEdith EdithEsmeralda EsmeraldaFranco FrancoFredrinn FredrinnGatotkaca GatotkacaGloo GlooGrock GrockHilda HildaHylos HylosJohnson JohnsonKhufra KhufraLolita LolitaMasha MashaMinotaur MinotaurTerizla TerizlaTigreal TigrealUranus Uranus
Fighter Icon
Aldous AldousAlpha AlphaAlucard AlucardArgus ArgusArlott ArlottAulus AulusBadang BadangBalmond BalmondBane BaneBarats BaratsBenedetta BenedettaChou ChouCici CiciDyrroth DyrrothFredrinn FredrinnFreya FreyaGatotkaca GatotkacaGrock GrockGuinevere GuinevereHilda HildaJawhead JawheadJulian JulianKaja KajaKhaleed KhaleedLapu-Lapu Lapu-LapuLeomord LeomordMartis MartisMasha MashaMinsitthar MinsittharPaquito PaquitoPhoveus PhoveusRoger RogerRuby RubySilvanna SilvannaSun SunSuyou SuyouTerizla TerizlaThamuz ThamuzX X.BorgYin YinYu Zhong Yu ZhongZilong Zilong
Assassin Icon
Aamon AamonAlucard AlucardArlott ArlottBenedetta BenedettaFanny FannyGusion GusionHanzo HanzoHarley HarleyHayabusa HayabusaHelcurt HelcurtJoy JoyKadita KaditaKarina KarinaLancelot LancelotLesley LesleyLing LingMathilda MathildaNatalia NataliaNolan NolanPaquito PaquitoSaber SaberSelena SelenaSuyou SuyouYi Sun-shin Yi Sun-shinYin YinZilong Zilong
Mage Icon
Alice AliceAurora AuroraBane BaneCecilion CecilionChang'e Chang'eCyclops CyclopsEsmeralda EsmeraldaEudora EudoraFaramis FaramisGord GordHarith HarithHarley HarleyJulian JulianKadita KaditaKagura KaguraKimmy KimmyLunox LunoxLuo Yi Luo YiLylia LyliaNana NanaNovaria NovariaOdette OdettePharsa PharsaSelena SelenaVale ValeValentina ValentinaValir ValirVexana VexanaXavier XavierYve YveZhask ZhaskZhuxin Zhuxin
Marksman Icon
Beatrix BeatrixBrody BrodyBruno BrunoClaude ClaudeClint ClintEdith EdithGranger GrangerHanabi HanabiIrithel IrithelIxia IxiaKarrie KarrieKimmy KimmyLayla LaylaLesley LesleyMelissa MelissaMiya MiyaMoskov MoskovNatan NatanPopol and Kupa Popol and KupaRoger RogerWanwan WanwanYi Sun-shin Yi Sun-shin
Support Icon
Angela AngelaCarmilla CarmillaChip ChipDiggie DiggieEstes EstesFaramis FaramisFloryn FlorynJohnson JohnsonKaja KajaLolita LolitaMathilda MathildaMinotaur MinotaurRafaela Rafaela