Mobile Legends: Bang Bang Wiki
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Harley's guardian and a talented sniper
Mobile Legends: Bang Bang

Lesley, the Deadly Sniper, is a hero in Mobile Legends: Bang Bang.

Hero stats [edit]
Attribute Fixed-value base stats Percentage stats
Level 1 Level 15 Growth
HP 2490 4247 125.5 -
Energy 100 0 -
HP Regen 7.2 10.4 0.22857 -
Energy Regen 3 0 -
Physical Attack 140 238 7 -
Magic Power 0 -
Physical Defense (Physical DMG Reduced) 14 (10.4%) 67 (35.8%) 3.7857 -
Magic Defense (Magic DMG Reduced) 15 (11.1%) 45 (27.3%) 2.1429 -
Attack Speed 1.04 1.25 0.015 -
Attack Speed Ratio - 80%
Cooldown Reduction - 0%
Critical Chance - 0%
Critical Damage - 140%
Crit DMG Reduction - 0%
Movement Speed 240 -
Physical PEN 0 0%
Magic PEN 0 0%
Lifesteal - 0%
Spell Vamp - 0%
Basic Attack Range -
Resilience - 0%
Damage Reduction 0 0%
Healing Effect - 0%
Healing Received - 100%


Adopted daughter of House Vance, a clandestine sniper.

After the death of her father, she was adopted by House Vance and became Harley's sister. Lesley regarded her younger brother as everything to her, and kept protecting Harley secretly.


Lesley grew up in the Vance household, where her father presided over the noble family's security. During an unexpected attack by a rival family, Lesley's father was killed. As the assailants approached the Vance household, Lesley took up her father's black long rifle and fulfilled her late father's mission. Tears rolled down Lesley's cheeks as she fired shot after shot, surprisingly, each one taking down an assassin. The final tear came as the final shot took down the last of the rival family's men.

Lesley was adopted by the Vance family, with the patriarch of the noble house even putting their sole heir, Harley under her tutelage. Harley, was a natural troublemaker, who used his talents in magic to unintentionally cause trouble for the Vance household. Only Lesley could keep Harley under control. Harley's troublemaking streak was the last part of warmth within Lesley's conscience.

After hearing about how Harley had travelled to the dangerous Land of Dawn after defeating the Boss of Dark Magic, Lesley followed him, along with her trusty heirloom rifle. After she found Harley through a long arduous journey, she discovered that the once immature young boy [has] changed through the numerous life experiences he had gone through. She decided it would be best to have her adopted little brother train, alone, while she would silently protect him from within the shadows. From that day on, all the monsters that were inflicted with Harley's magic would also be struck with a black bullet, that would impeccably pierce through their heart. The stories of the magical youngster who was followed by a mysterious black sniper, soon spread across the Land of Dawn, like wild fire.



Lethal Shot
Lethal Shot

If Lesley doesn't take damage for 5 seconds, her next Basic Attack gains extra range and 50% Critical Chance and deals 50 (+100% Total Physical Attack) True Damage (20% extra damage against minions).
Each point of fixed Physical Penetration Lesley acquires is converted into 0.5% Critical Damage, but her base Critical Damage is reduced to 140%.
Lesley's Basic Attack restores 5 points of energy and her Lethal Shot doubles the amount of energy restored. The cooldown of Lethal Shot resets each time Lesley casts a skill.
Skill terms
Crit Rate
Chance to cause Crit Damage with Basic ATK (including Physical and Magic). The default is 0. A Crit Damage is guaranteed when it is over 100%. Some skills trigger this effect. For example: Layla's Malefic Bomb and the Typhoon effect of Windtalker.
Physical PEN
Deduct enemy’s Physical Defense by a fixed point or by percent. Enemy’s actual Physical Defense = Enemy’s Physical Defense × (100% - Percent of Physical PEN) - - Fixed points of Physical PEN.
Physical Basic Attack
Deal Physical Damage to enemies. Triggers ATK Effects and Lifesteal.
Icon variants
Legend Skin Tag Lethal Shot (Legend)
The Aspirants Skin Tag Lethal Shot (The Aspirants)


  • Instead, Lethal Shot inflicts physical damage on turrets.
  • Instead of reducing Lesley's base critical damage to 140%, Lesley's total critical damage is reduced by 60%.
  • The additional critical chance applies only to the enhanced basic attack.

Skill 1[]

Master of Camouflage
Master of Camouflage
Conceal Buff

Lesley enters the Camouflage state, gaining double Energy Regen, 40% extra Movement Speed, and 85–135 extra Physical Attack.
The state lasts 3 seconds or until Lesley takes or deals damage. Enemies can detect Lesley's position through distortions of their surroundings.
Skill terms
Enter Stealth State within the duration, won't be easily spotted by the enemy, can't be targeted by skills.
Physical ATK
Total current Physical ATK.
Movement Speed
Movement Speed on the battlefield. Usually Calculated and Actual Movement Speed is equal. But when Movement Speed is below 230 or over 420 both Slowdown and Speedup Effect will decay. Calculated Movement Speed = Basic Movement Speed × (100% + All Speedup Effect% - All Slowdown Effect%).
Icon variants
Legend Skin Tag Master of Camouflage (Legend)
The Aspirants Skin Tag Master of Camouflage (The Aspirants)
Level scaling
Properties 1 2 3 4 5 6
Cooldown 5.0 4.4 3.8 3.2 2.6 2.0
Energy Cost 30
Attack Bonus 85 95 105 115 125 135


  • Cooldown starts after Master of Camouflage ends.

Skill 2[]

Tactical Grenade
Tactical Grenade
CC Mobility

Lesley throws a tactical grenade in the target direction while slightly jumping back, dealing 150–300 to enemies in a cone and knocking them back.
Lesley can cast this skill during the Ultimate Snipe to cancel the state and immediately fire a Fatal Bullet at the target. The attack is only triggered when there are unfired Fatal Bullets left.
Skill terms
Knocked Back
A state that prevents a target from moving, attacking, or using skills. The target will move away from the caster within the duration.
Movement ability that can pass through obstacles.
Physical Skill
Deal Physical DMG to enemies. Triggers Spell Vamp.
Icon variants
Legend Skin Tag Tactical Grenade (Legend)
The Aspirants Skin Tag Tactical Grenade (The Aspirants)
Level scaling
Properties 1 2 3 4 5 6
Cooldown 10.0 9.4 8.8 8.2 7.6 7.0
Energy Cost 40
Base Damage 150 180 210 240 270 300


Ultimate Snipe
Ultimate Snipe 2
Ultimate Snipe

Lesley [gains vision to nearby enemies and can lock] onto the target enemy hero and fires 4 Lethal Bullets in succession, each dealing 250–350 (+80% Extra Physical Attack) (+enemy's 5% Lost HP) Physical Damage and restoring 10 energy on hit. The Bullets can be blocked by other enemy heroes.
If this skill is interrupted, each remaining Bullet reduces the skill cooldown by 10%.
Passive: Lesley's Crit Chance is increased by 5%–15%.
Skill terms
Lost HP
Lost HP = Max HP - Current HP.
Extra Physical ATK
Apart from basic and level Physical ATK, also include the ATK provided by items, emblems, and skills.
Physical Skill
Deal Physical DMG to enemies. Triggers Spell Vamp.
Icon variants
Legend Skin Tag Ultimate Snipe (Legend)Ultimate Snipe 2 (Legend)
The Aspirants Skin Tag Ultimate Snipe (The Aspirants)Ultimate Snipe 2 (The Aspirants)
Level scaling
Properties 1 2 3
Cooldown 40.0
Energy Cost 0
Crit Chance 5% 10% 15%
Base Damage 250 300 350
Stack scaling
Property 1
Cooldown Reduction {10%, 20%, 30%, 40%}


  • Lesley can aim for up to 8 seconds.
  • Firing Lethal Bullets lasts for 3.6 seconds (or earlier if canceled).
    • Each Lethal Bullet is fired for approximately every 0.9 seconds.
  • Cooldown starts after casting Ultimate Snipe.
  • Lesley will recoil after firing a Lethal Bullet; the recoil is not a blink.
  • Camera height will be raised throughout the skill duration.
  • Lesley will stop firing Lethal Bullets if the locked enemy goes too far.
  • You can hold the skill to choose the target before firing. You can also choose to cancel the skill without shooting it at all (it will still go on cooldown).
  • If you cancel the skill without shooting at all, you will not reveal yourself to the enemy.
  • The range of this skill is shown on the mini map when you're holding the skill.
  • The skill will not activate if there are no enemy hero within range.


Harley-Lesley BUFF
Lesley BUFF

Increases both HP by 10 when battling with Harley Harley[.]
Icon variants
Need update on Lesley-Harley Secret Secret Buff

Updated Passive Logo


Splash art[]

Avatar icons[]

Battle emotes[]



  • Both Lesley and Harley's royal house "Vance" means "Marsh, Mud, and Fen" in Old English which is used as a masculine given name and surname mostly of American usage.



  1. Natalie Van Sistine (21 September 2022). "Natalie Van Sistine on Twitter". Retrieved 6 October 2022 – via "I've had a few people reach out and it's on IMDB, so I guess the cat's out of the bag! Very happy to return to Mobile Legends: Bang Bang as Lesley for her new revamp. This is such a cool franchise to be a part of and I love her new look! Happy tank hunting! 🙏".
  2. In-game credit
List of heroes
Tank Icon
Akai AkaiAlice AliceAtlas AtlasBarats BaratsBaxia BaxiaBelerick BelerickCarmilla CarmillaChip ChipEdith EdithEsmeralda EsmeraldaFranco FrancoFredrinn FredrinnGatotkaca GatotkacaGloo GlooGrock GrockHilda HildaHylos HylosJohnson JohnsonKhufra KhufraLolita LolitaMasha MashaMinotaur MinotaurTerizla TerizlaTigreal TigrealUranus Uranus
Fighter Icon
Aldous AldousAlpha AlphaAlucard AlucardArgus ArgusArlott ArlottAulus AulusBadang BadangBalmond BalmondBane BaneBarats BaratsBenedetta BenedettaChou ChouCici CiciDyrroth DyrrothFredrinn FredrinnFreya FreyaGatotkaca GatotkacaGrock GrockGuinevere GuinevereHilda HildaJawhead JawheadJulian JulianKaja KajaKhaleed KhaleedLapu-Lapu Lapu-LapuLeomord LeomordMartis MartisMasha MashaMinsitthar MinsittharPaquito PaquitoPhoveus PhoveusRoger RogerRuby RubySilvanna SilvannaSun SunSuyou SuyouTerizla TerizlaThamuz ThamuzX X.BorgYin YinYu Zhong Yu ZhongZilong Zilong
Assassin Icon
Aamon AamonAlucard AlucardArlott ArlottBenedetta BenedettaFanny FannyGusion GusionHanzo HanzoHarley HarleyHayabusa HayabusaHelcurt HelcurtJoy JoyKadita KaditaKarina KarinaLancelot LancelotLesley LesleyLing LingMathilda MathildaNatalia NataliaNolan NolanPaquito PaquitoSaber SaberSelena SelenaSuyou SuyouYi Sun-shin Yi Sun-shinYin YinZilong Zilong
Mage Icon
Alice AliceAurora AuroraBane BaneCecilion CecilionChang'e Chang'eCyclops CyclopsEsmeralda EsmeraldaEudora EudoraFaramis FaramisGord GordHarith HarithHarley HarleyJulian JulianKadita KaditaKagura KaguraKimmy KimmyLunox LunoxLuo Yi Luo YiLylia LyliaNana NanaNovaria NovariaOdette OdettePharsa PharsaSelena SelenaVale ValeValentina ValentinaValir ValirVexana VexanaXavier XavierYve YveZhask ZhaskZhuxin Zhuxin
Marksman Icon
Beatrix BeatrixBrody BrodyBruno BrunoClaude ClaudeClint ClintEdith EdithGranger GrangerHanabi HanabiIrithel IrithelIxia IxiaKarrie KarrieKimmy KimmyLayla LaylaLesley LesleyMelissa MelissaMiya MiyaMoskov MoskovNatan NatanPopol and Kupa Popol and KupaRoger RogerWanwan WanwanYi Sun-shin Yi Sun-shin
Support Icon
Angela AngelaCarmilla CarmillaChip ChipDiggie DiggieEstes EstesFaramis FaramisFloryn FlorynJohnson JohnsonKaja KajaLolita LolitaMathilda MathildaMinotaur MinotaurRafaela Rafaela