Mobile Legends: Bang Bang Wiki
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The little girl in the red hoodie.
Mobile Legends: Bang Bang

Ruby, the Little Red Hood, is a hero in Mobile Legends: Bang Bang.

Hero stats [edit]
Attribute Fixed-value base stats Percentage stats
Level 1 Level 15 Growth
HP 2509 4889 170 -
Mana 430 2040 115 -
HP Regen 6.0 14.0 0.57143 -
Mana Regen 5.8 8.8 0.21429 -
Physical Attack 129 226 6.9286 -
Magic Power 0 -
Physical Defense (Physical DMG Reduced) 18 (13%) 74 (38.1%) 4 -
Magic Defense (Magic DMG Reduced) 10 (7.7%) 45 (27.3%) 2.5 -
Attack Speed 1.07 1.34 0.0192857 -
Attack Speed Ratio - 100%
Cooldown Reduction - 0%
Critical Chance - 0%
Critical Damage - 200%
Crit DMG Reduction - 0%
Movement Speed 260 -
Physical PEN 0 0%
Magic PEN 0 0%
Lifesteal - 0%
Spell Vamp - 0%
Basic Attack Range 2 -
Resilience - 0%
Damage Reduction 0 0%
Healing Effect - 0%
Healing Received - 100%


A girl who grew up with Roger's help

The village where Ruby lived was attacked by werewolves. At the time of crisis, Roger appeared to help them repel the werewolves. Roger taught Ruby how to fight and gave her a sickle so that she could protect herself and the village.


It could have been just another peaceful night in a remote village, near the outskirts of the Dark Forest, but they were interrupted by the vicious howling of the wolves from afar. In a small cabin, a little girl was kneeling beside her bed, praying. Next to her stood a disproportionately giant scythes. Indeed, she was praying for the return of the legendary Hunter - Roger. Only he could save the village from being vandalized by the wolves.

Years earlier, Roger had saved her family from a pack of wild wolves, whom they had accidentally encountered when wandering on the Land of Dawn. His bravery took a huge toll on the wolves. Under the request from the elders in the village, Roger finally stayed to train the villagers. One day, he left the village without any notice, and no trace was to be found.

What happened in the fairy tales can seldom be the same in reality. On a silent, moonless night, Pale Tusk, the new Wolf King, caught the village off guard and sneaked in with his kind. In the end, Ruby's grandfather and grandmother, both died, protecting Ruby, who in turn made a narrow escape by hiding under the corpse of her grandparents.

No one could imagine, that from the moment she witnessed her grandparent's death, her character would change completely. Outraged, she got back on her feet, picked up the scythes, and to everyone's utter shock, rushed into the pack of wolves and slaughtered almost all of them. Under the seemingly weak appearance now lay an unsettling, irritable soul. Pale Tusk was the only survivor among the wolves. Staring at the skyline, Ruby was determined to put an end to everyone, responsible for the death of all those innocent and good people, including her grandparents.

Pale Tusk was never defeated before, but this time it came in the severest way. But during an instance between of fight, Ruby hesitated to strike down the wolf, who seized the chance, knocked down Ruby by clawing her on the left eye. Surprisingly, Pale Tusk didn't go for the kill, but instead turned and fled.

Ruby gradually regained consciousness after Pale Tusk left, but unfortunately, she lost one of her eye, in the battle. Now, whenever she hears the wolves howl, her eye becomes engulfed with rage and pain.

Glimmer Amidst the Icy Night[]

Main article: Glimmer Amidst the Icy Night



Let's Dance!
Let's Dance!

Ruby starts with 5% Spell Vamp and inherits 125% Spell Vamp Ratio (Basic Attacks cannot trigger Lifesteal).
After each skill cast, Ruby can dash to another location, gaining 9 (+1.8 × Hero Level) Physical & Magic Defense (scales with level) for 4 seconds. (stacks up to 3 times).
Skill terms
Movement ability that can pass through obstacles.
Spell Vamp
Percentage of HP recovered from dealing Skill Damage to an enemy. HP recovered = Skill Damage × Spell Vamp × Spell Vamp Ratio. Usually the Spell Vamp Ratio is 30%–120%, depending on the skill's damage, range and duration.
Icon variants
The Aspirants Skin Tag Let's Dance! (The Aspirants)
Level scaling
Property 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Extra Hybrid Defense Per Level 10.8 12.6 14.4 16.2 18 19.8 21.6 23.4 25.2 27 28.8 30.6 32.4 34.2 36
Stack scaling
Properties 1 2 3
Extra Hybrid Defense (hero lv. 1) 10.8 21.6 32.4
Extra Hybrid Defense (hero lv. 15) 36 72 108


  • Backward dash distance is shorter than of forwards and sidewards.
    • When using aimed skill, "front" would be the direction of the skill is facing.
    • When using skill 2, "front" would be the direction Ruby is facing before using the skill.

Skill 1[]

Be Good!
Be Good!
AOE Slow | Spell Vamp Ratio: 125%

Ruby swings her scythe, dealing 90 (+70%–130% Total Physical Attack) Physical Damage to enemies hit. She then unleashes a shockwave In the same direction, dealing 90 (+70%–130% Total Physical Attack) Physical Damage to enemies hit and slowing them by 40% for 1 second.
Skill terms
Physical Damage Skill
Deal Physical DMG to enemies. Triggers Spell Vamp.
Movement Speed
Movement Speed on the battlefield. Usually Calculated and Actual Movement Speed is equal. But when Movement Speed is below 230 or over 420 both Slowdown and Speedup Effect will decay. Calculated Movement Speed = Basic Movement Speed × (100% + All Speedup Effect% - All Slowdown Effect%).
Icon variants
The Aspirants Skin Tag Be Good! (The Aspirants)
Level scaling
Properties 1 2 3 4 5 6
Cooldown 4.0
Mana Cost 25
Physical Bonus 70% 82% 94% 106% 118% 130%

Skill 2[]

Don't Run, Wolf King!
Don't Run, Wolf King!
CC AOE | Spell Vamp Ratio: 125%

Ruby swings her scythe herself twice, each swing dealing 60–185 (+55% Total Physical Attack) Physical Damage to nearby enemies, stunning them for 0.5 seconds, and slowly pulling them toward her.
Skill terms
Physical Damage Skill
Deal Physical DMG to enemies. Triggers Spell Vamp.
Basic level Crowd Control: Prevents a target from moving, and using Basic Attacks and skills. Can interrupt some skills.
Target Displacement; Can interrupt certain skills and Blink or Charge effects (interrupts the same skills as Knock Airborne effect). Including but not limited to Knockback, Drag and effects that pull targets together.
Icon variants
The Aspirants Skin Tag Don't Run, Wolf King! (The Aspirants)
Level scaling
Properties 1 2 3 4 5 6
Cooldown 7.0
Mana Cost 50 55 60 65 70 75
Base Damage 60 85 110 135 160 185


I'm Offended!
I'm Offended!
CC AOE | Spell Vamp Ratio: 125%

Ruby sweeps scythe in the target direction, dealing 200–480 (+200% Total Physical Attack) Physical Damage to enemies hit, pulling them toward her, and stunning them for 0.5 seconds.
Skill terms
Physical Damage Skill
Deal Physical DMG to enemies. Triggers Spell Vamp.
Basic level Crowd Control: Prevents a target from moving, and using Basic Attacks and skills. Can interrupt some skills.
Target Displacement; Can interrupt certain skills and Blink or Charge effects (interrupts the same skills as Knock Airborne effect). Including but not limited to Knockback, Drag and effects that pull targets together.
Icon variants
The Aspirants Skin Tag I'm Offended! (The Aspirants)
Level scaling
Properties 1 2 3
Cooldown 26.0 23.0 20.0
Mana Cost 80 100 120
Base Damage 200 340 480


Splash art[]

Avatar icons[]

Battle emotes[]



  • Her appearance might be inspired by Ruby Rose from RWBY which itself is alluded in the fairytale character Little Red Riding Hood.
  • Her story and her title "Little Red Hood" is also a reference to Little Red Riding Hood. Furthermore, in game files, she is named xiaohongmao, which translates to "little Red Riding Hood" in Chinese.
  • Her original lore was retconned upon the release of the so-called "family friendly update" as the story of Ruby ripping Haas the Wolf's (later renamed to White Fang) still beating heart and drinking its blood, as well as Ruby falling into insanity, was deemed too dark and disturbing for many young audiences of the game.
  • She is inspired by Little Red from Moonton's Magic Rush, which is also a clear reference to Little Red Riding Hood.


  1. In-game credit
List of heroes
Tank Icon
Akai AkaiAlice AliceAtlas AtlasBarats BaratsBaxia BaxiaBelerick BelerickCarmilla CarmillaChip ChipEdith EdithEsmeralda EsmeraldaFranco FrancoFredrinn FredrinnGatotkaca GatotkacaGloo GlooGrock GrockHilda HildaHylos HylosJohnson JohnsonKhufra KhufraLolita LolitaMasha MashaMinotaur MinotaurTerizla TerizlaTigreal TigrealUranus Uranus
Fighter Icon
Aldous AldousAlpha AlphaAlucard AlucardArgus ArgusArlott ArlottAulus AulusBadang BadangBalmond BalmondBane BaneBarats BaratsBenedetta BenedettaChou ChouCici CiciDyrroth DyrrothFredrinn FredrinnFreya FreyaGatotkaca GatotkacaGrock GrockGuinevere GuinevereHilda HildaJawhead JawheadJulian JulianKaja KajaKhaleed KhaleedLapu-Lapu Lapu-LapuLeomord LeomordMartis MartisMasha MashaMinsitthar MinsittharPaquito PaquitoPhoveus PhoveusRoger RogerRuby RubySilvanna SilvannaSun SunSuyou SuyouTerizla TerizlaThamuz ThamuzX X.BorgYin YinYu Zhong Yu ZhongZilong Zilong
Assassin Icon
Aamon AamonAlucard AlucardArlott ArlottBenedetta BenedettaFanny FannyGusion GusionHanzo HanzoHarley HarleyHayabusa HayabusaHelcurt HelcurtJoy JoyKadita KaditaKarina KarinaLancelot LancelotLesley LesleyLing LingMathilda MathildaNatalia NataliaNolan NolanPaquito PaquitoSaber SaberSelena SelenaSuyou SuyouYi Sun-shin Yi Sun-shinYin YinZilong Zilong
Mage Icon
Alice AliceAurora AuroraBane BaneCecilion CecilionChang'e Chang'eCyclops CyclopsEsmeralda EsmeraldaEudora EudoraFaramis FaramisGord GordHarith HarithHarley HarleyJulian JulianKadita KaditaKagura KaguraKimmy KimmyLunox LunoxLuo Yi Luo YiLylia LyliaNana NanaNovaria NovariaOdette OdettePharsa PharsaSelena SelenaVale ValeValentina ValentinaValir ValirVexana VexanaXavier XavierYve YveZhask ZhaskZhuxin Zhuxin
Marksman Icon
Beatrix BeatrixBrody BrodyBruno BrunoClaude ClaudeClint ClintEdith EdithGranger GrangerHanabi HanabiIrithel IrithelIxia IxiaKarrie KarrieKimmy KimmyLayla LaylaLesley LesleyMelissa MelissaMiya MiyaMoskov MoskovNatan NatanPopol and Kupa Popol and KupaRoger RogerWanwan WanwanYi Sun-shin Yi Sun-shin
Support Icon
Angela AngelaCarmilla CarmillaChip ChipDiggie DiggieEstes EstesFaramis FaramisFloryn FlorynJohnson JohnsonKaja KajaLolita LolitaMathilda MathildaMinotaur MinotaurRafaela Rafaela