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The famous admiral.
Mobile Legends: Bang Bang

Yi Sun-shin, the Paenlong Legend, is a hero in Mobile Legends: Bang Bang.

Hero stats [edit]
Attribute Fixed-value base stats Percentage stats
Level 1 Level 15 Growth
HP 2570 4425 132.5 -
Mana 438 438 0 -
HP Regen 7.2 10.4 0.22857 -
Mana Regen 3 5.8 0.2 -
Physical Attack 100 212 8 -
Magic Power 0 -
Physical Defense (Physical DMG Reduced) 22 (15.5%) 69 (36.5%) 3.3571 -
Magic Defense (Magic DMG Reduced) 15 (11.1%) 38 (24.1%) 1.6429 -
Attack Speed 1.03 1.17 0.01 -
Attack Speed Ratio - 100%
Cooldown Reduction - 0%
Critical Chance - 0%
Critical Damage - 200%
Crit DMG Reduction - 0%
Movement Speed 250 -
Physical PEN 0 0%
Magic PEN 0 0%
Lifesteal - 0%
Spell Vamp - 0%
Basic Attack Range -
Resilience - 0%
Damage Reduction 0 0%
Healing Effect - 0%
Healing Received - 100%


Leader of the city of the Dragon Fleet.

Yi Sun-shin is the leader of the City of the Dragon fleet and he is dedicated to his duties. But the ruler of the City of the Dragon believes the false accusations and demoted Yi Sun-shin to a commoner. The fleet, without a leader, was hit hard by pirates. At this moment of crisis, Yi Sun-shin stepped forward and lead the reformed fleet to defend this area of the sea and successfully defeated the strong pirates with remaining naval force.


The City of the Dragon is located to the northeast of Cadia Riverlands, connecting the Frozen Sea and the Sea of Hope. It is the only permitted passage, for all ships sailing from Northern Vale to Cadia Riverlands and further south. The geological advantage allowed this city to develop foreign trade business, making it a prosperous harbor and a booming sea-port city.

But this bursting city never had one day of peace, ever since its establishment. Pirates from the Frozen Sea and the Sea of Hope had been invading this city, raiding the harbor and plundering the merchant ships. After years of failed resistance, against the pirates, the people of the city built a mighty navy, the Paenlong Fleet, to fight back the pirates and protect their homeland and trading routes.

The general of this naval fleet, was the legendary hero, Yi Sun-shin. Born and raised in The City of the Dragon, Yi Sun-shin, grew up witnessing countless tragedies, happening around him- ships being raided and fishermen being murdered in cold blood, by the pirates. And so, the young Yi Sun-shin made up his mind to become an admiral and protect his homeland.

Yi Sun-shin spent his entire childhood training and preparing himself for the future. He learned the techniques of sailing, archery and fighting. He even ventured into the Dragon's Altar and acquired all the knowledge he could, from the elders there.

At the age of 18, Yi Sun-shin finally joined the naval fleet, though, he was just a sailor at that time. In the next decade, Yi Sun-shin followed the fleet to numerous battles, traveling between the Frozen Sea and the Sea of Hope and fought the notorious pirates. He showed unprecedented wisdom and leadership in the fights, and gradually, after years of battle, became the Captain of the entire Paenlong Fleet.

Under the command of Yi Sun-shin, the legendary fleet defeated the pirates time and time again, driving almost all of the pirates back into the Sea of Hope and restoring peace, to this once devastated City of the Dragon.

As Yi Sun-shin kept launching assaults, the pirates fell into a period of desperation. The desperation that they couldn't win against Yi Sun-shin had also made one thing clear, if they still wanted to dominate the ports of The City of the Dragon, they had to take Yi Sun-shin down. However, they knew that they couldn't defeat him on within sea. So, like the wicked pirates, they were, they resorted to trickery. Dressed in disguise, the buccaneers infiltrated The City of the Dragon]] and spread rumors, claiming that Yi Sun-shin wasn't content with leading, just the naval fleet but wanted to rule the entire City of the Dragon and the Sea of Hope instead, after achieving something this extraordinary.

Exactly as expected by the pirate, the rulers of the city took the gossips as accusations, and the rumors as truths. In no time, they dismissed Yi Sun-shin from his duty and made him a commoner. Seeing this, the treacherous pirates moved on to their next part of the plan. They spread another rumor saying that the pirates were assembling at the Frozen Sea, which was a chance to hunt them down, once and for all.

Despite how strongly Yi Sun-shin advised against it, the ruler took the bait and sent most of the Paenlong Fleet to this mission, leaving only a few vessels behind, to protect the harbor. But what they didn't know was the pirates of the Frozen Seas and the Sea of Hope joined forces and set up a trap at the northern part of the Frozen Sea, waiting for the fleet to fall right into it.

The battle was a massacre. Without Yi Sun-shin to lead, the rudderless navy was no match for the pirates, many veterans drowned to death and most of the battleships sank. Flanked by the coalition of pirates, the once legendary navy was nearly wiped out.

Soon after these events, the victorious coalition of pirates sailed into The City of the Dragon, threatening to return and leave the place in ruins. Without a navy to protect them, the people of the city were frightened. Many civilians considered abandoning the homeland they had build. Some, even suggested that the city should give all their properties to the pirates, in exchange for their lives.

It was at this desperate moment that Yi Sun-shin stood up for his people, yet again. He gave a motivational speech, restoring hope and morale to those who tried to run away or surrender. He mobilized the civilians and armed them. Soon he formed a new fleet consisting of many fishing boats and a few battleships.

When the coalition of pirates were at their doorstep, Yi Sun-shin led this new fleet to confront them, making a stank in his final fight, knowing he would have to sacrifice his life, for the greater good. Yi Sun-shin commanded his own ship to charge ahead and lead the way, despite the heavy artillery firing, from the pirate ships. Encouraged by Yi Sun-shin's heroic actions, the brave men of Paenlong sailed forward and miraculously won the battle, even after being in an extremely outnumbered situation. The coalition of the pirates consisting of more than a hundred and fifty battleships was defeated by just twelve vessels and some fishing boats.

The pirates, who were in control of the two seas, were devastated in this battle and had become incapable of invading The City of the Dragon for at least, the next dozens of years to come. As for Yi Sun-shin, he rebuilt the Paenlong Fleet, for the sake of The City of the Dragon and kept his watch over the seas.



Heavenly Vow
Heavenly Vow

Yi Sun-shin attacks with his longbow or glaive according to his distance from the target.
Weapon Mastery: After each weapon swap, the next two attacks will be enhanced. The first attack deals 70%–100% Crit Damage and the second attack deals Crit Damage. Each enhanced attack grants 20% Movement Speed for 1 second and reduces the cooldown of Traceless Traceless by 1 second.
After every 180 seconds or when Yi Sun-shin respawns, a Turtle Ship will spawn at the allied Base. Yi Sun-shin can board the Turtle Ship, gaining 60% Movement Speed (decays to 21% after 8 seconds) and enhancing Traceless.
Skill terms
Physical Basic Attack
Deal Physical Damage to enemies. Triggers ATK Effects and Lifesteal.
Crit Damage
The ratio of Crit Damage to Base Damage. The default is 200%. Crit Damage Dealt = Original Damage × (200% + All Crit Damage Increase% - All Crit Damage Decrease%).
Attack Effect
Both Physical and Magic Basic Attacks can trigger Attack Effects Attack Effects include the "Devour" effect of the Demon Hunter Sword equipment, the 'Weakness Finder" Talent effect, etc.
Icon variants

Skill 1[]

Mobility AOE

Yi Sun-shin dashes forward and slashes with his glaive, dealing 150–300 (+40% Total Physical Attack) Physical Damage and becoming immune to control effects for 1 second.
Skill terms
Movement ability that can pass through obstacles.
Physical Damage Skill
Deal Physical DMG to enemies. Triggers Spell Vamp.
Icon variants
Level scaling
Properties 1 2 3 4 5 6
Cooldown 10.0 9.4 8.8 8.2 7.6 7.0
Mana Cost 50 55 60 65 70 75
Base Damage 150 180 210 240 270 300

Dauntless Fleet
Dauntless Fleet

Yi Sun-shin orders the Turtle Ship to charge toward the target, dealing 200–400 (+100% Total Physical Attack) Physical Damage to the first enemy hit and nearby enemies and stunning them for 1.2 seconds.
Skill terms
Basic level Crowd Control: Prevents a target from moving, and using Basic Attacks and skills. Can interrupt some skills.
Physical Damage Skill
Deal Physical DMG to enemies. Triggers Spell Vamp.
Icon variants
Level scaling
Properties 1 2 3 4 5 6
Cooldown 10.0 9.4 8.8 8.2 7.6 7.0
Mana Cost 50 55 60 65 70 75
Base Damage 200 240 280 320 360 400

Skill 2[]

Blood Floods
Blood Floods

Tap: Yi Sun-shin slashes swiftly with his glaive, dealing 240–340 (+80% Total Physical Attack) Physical Damage.
Hold: Yi Sun-shin shoots a powerful arrow, dealing 240–340 (+80% Total Physical Attack) Physical Damage. The arrow's damage scales with the hold time, up to 200%. This damage decays with the number of enemies hit but can't go below 40%. His Movement Speed is reduced by 20% while holding the skill.
Yi Sun-shin gains Weapon Mastery immediately when this skill is used.
Skill terms
Physical Skill
Deal Physical DMG to enemies. Triggers Spell Vamp.
Icon variants
Level scaling
Properties 1 2 3 4 5 6
Cooldown 11.0
Mana Cost 85 90 95 100 105 110
Slash Damage, Arrow Damage 240 260 280 300 320 340


Mountain Shocker
Mountain Shocker
AOE Buff

Passive: Increases the damage of Heavenly Vow's Heavenly Vow's first enhanced Basic Attack Basic Attack by 10% and second enhanced Basic Attack by 5%.
Active: Yi Sun-shin commands the naval fleet to launch 3 waves of cannon shots on the locations of all enemy heroes, revealing their positions and dealing 150–210 (+50% Total Physical Attack) Physical Damage to enemies in the area with each wave. (When a target is hit multiple times by the same wave, a maximum of 150% damage will be dealt.)
Skill terms
Physical Damage Skill
Deal Physical DMG to enemies. Triggers Spell Vamp.
Icon variants
Level scaling
Properties 1 2 3
Cooldown 72.0 66.0 60.0
Mana Cost 150 180 210


Splash art[]

Avatar icons[]

Battle Emotes[]


  • Yi Sun-shin (이순신) was a Korean Naval Commander in real life who was considered one of the greatest naval commanders and a hero in history, tied only with Admiral Horatio Nelson, having never been defeated at sea nor lost a single ship under his command towards the invasion of the enemy (Japan).
  • Currently, Yi Sun-shin is the only hero in Mobile Legends: Bang Bang who can change both the appearance & function of the allied base.


  1. In-game credit
List of heroes
Tank Icon
Akai AkaiAlice AliceAtlas AtlasBarats BaratsBaxia BaxiaBelerick BelerickCarmilla CarmillaChip ChipEdith EdithEsmeralda EsmeraldaFranco FrancoFredrinn FredrinnGatotkaca GatotkacaGloo GlooGrock GrockHilda HildaHylos HylosJohnson JohnsonKhufra KhufraLolita LolitaMasha MashaMinotaur MinotaurTerizla TerizlaTigreal TigrealUranus Uranus
Fighter Icon
Aldous AldousAlpha AlphaAlucard AlucardArgus ArgusArlott ArlottAulus AulusBadang BadangBalmond BalmondBane BaneBarats BaratsBenedetta BenedettaChou ChouCici CiciDyrroth DyrrothFredrinn FredrinnFreya FreyaGatotkaca GatotkacaGrock GrockGuinevere GuinevereHilda HildaJawhead JawheadJulian JulianKaja KajaKhaleed KhaleedLapu-Lapu Lapu-LapuLeomord LeomordMartis MartisMasha MashaMinsitthar MinsittharPaquito PaquitoPhoveus PhoveusRoger RogerRuby RubySilvanna SilvannaSun SunSuyou SuyouTerizla TerizlaThamuz ThamuzX X.BorgYin YinYu Zhong Yu ZhongZilong Zilong
Assassin Icon
Aamon AamonAlucard AlucardArlott ArlottBenedetta BenedettaFanny FannyGusion GusionHanzo HanzoHarley HarleyHayabusa HayabusaHelcurt HelcurtJoy JoyKadita KaditaKarina KarinaLancelot LancelotLesley LesleyLing LingMathilda MathildaNatalia NataliaNolan NolanPaquito PaquitoSaber SaberSelena SelenaSuyou SuyouYi Sun-shin Yi Sun-shinYin YinZilong Zilong
Mage Icon
Alice AliceAurora AuroraBane BaneCecilion CecilionChang'e Chang'eCyclops CyclopsEsmeralda EsmeraldaEudora EudoraFaramis FaramisGord GordHarith HarithHarley HarleyJulian JulianKadita KaditaKagura KaguraKimmy KimmyLunox LunoxLuo Yi Luo YiLylia LyliaNana NanaNovaria NovariaOdette OdettePharsa PharsaSelena SelenaVale ValeValentina ValentinaValir ValirVexana VexanaXavier XavierYve YveZhask ZhaskZhuxin Zhuxin
Marksman Icon
Beatrix BeatrixBrody BrodyBruno BrunoClaude ClaudeClint ClintEdith EdithGranger GrangerHanabi HanabiIrithel IrithelIxia IxiaKarrie KarrieKimmy KimmyLayla LaylaLesley LesleyMelissa MelissaMiya MiyaMoskov MoskovNatan NatanPopol and Kupa Popol and KupaRoger RogerWanwan WanwanYi Sun-shin Yi Sun-shin
Support Icon
Angela AngelaCarmilla CarmillaChip ChipDiggie DiggieEstes EstesFaramis FaramisFloryn FlorynJohnson JohnsonKaja KajaLolita LolitaMathilda MathildaMinotaur MinotaurRafaela Rafaela